- Submissions
Author Guidelines
1. Submission
The document needs to be prepared in English language. The manuscript needs to be documented, maintaining double-spacing between lines along with a large margin. All the pages of the document need to be numbered in a sequence, including those containing figures, tabular columns, acknowledgements, references, etc. The documents containing the manuscript should be a single MS Word file. All figures and tables related to the manuscript need to be attached in the same word file. Submit your manuscript as an email attachment to submit@larixjournals.com
2.Terms of Submission
Submission of a manuscript to the Larix journals directly implies that all the authors have read and agreed to the journal's guidelines. The content present in the manuscript after publication will be freely available to all the potential readers over the Internet for noncommercial use. The content provided by the authors in the manuscript should at no point of time breach the copyrights or rights of third party. The manuscript submitted should not be published or submitted for consideration in any other journal.
3. Peer-Review Process
The journal follows double-blind peer-review process. This is done with the aim to minimize the possibility of a biased opinion when the reviewers know who the authors are and from where they come from, ensuring a responsible and ethical environment. Types of Articles:
Research Article
The submitted research article should contain no more than 4500–5000 words. There is no defined limit on the number of pages, images, and tabular columns.
Review Articles
The word count for a review article is 4000–5000 words, with no limitation on the number of pages, tables, and images being used.
Case Reports
The maximum word count for a case report is 1200–1600 words. Having no limit on the number of pages, figures, and references.
Clinical Images
While submitting clinical images, a maximum of 2 images needs to be used along with a word limit of 150 words.
Short Communications
A special issue publication is a group 10–15 articles on a specific theme, and a special issue article should contain a maximum of 4000–5000 words, with no limit on the number of references, pages, and images being used.

Dr . Makula Ajitha .
Professor , JNTUH , India

Dr . Nisha Mathews
Assistant Professor/ Nursing , University of Houston Clear Lake , USA

Nursing , University of Derby , Nigeria

Dr . Ramya Kamalakannan
Nursing Professor , Jabalpur , India

Mr . Vinod Kumaar
Training Manager- Nursing Education , Fortis Memorial Research Institute, Gurugram, Haryana, India , India

Dr . Marcia Patterson Chief Nursing Office
Nursing , Southern Tennessee Regional Health System , USA

Dr . Christian Chapman CEO
Nursing , Nursing Guy / We Care , USA

Dr . Shawn Muldowney Director
Nursing , Boca Ciega Center , USA

Dr . Nicole Watson Director
Nursing , Pleasant View Communities , USA

Dr . Melissa Foreman-Lovell Director
Nursing , Beaumont Health , USA

Dr . Linda Fritzinger-Hearn Professor
Nursing , Keiser University , USA

Dr . Ariel Casillas Director
Nursing , American Sentinel University , USA

Dr . Noah Doherty General Manager
Nursing , Accucare Home Nursing , USA